Links To Other Sites
IACF International Antiques and Collectors Fairs (previously DMG). www.iacf.co.uk
Fairs at Ardingly, Newark, Shepton Mallet, Swinderby, Newbury and Redbourne.
Arthur Swallow Fairs. www.arthurswallowfairs.co.uk
The Lincolnshire Showground.
Devon County Antiques Fairs. www.antiques-fairs.com
Westpoint and the Matford Centre, Exeter
Penman Antiques Fairs. www.penman-fairs.co.uk
10 fairs a year in Petersfield, Hampshire; Chester Racecourse; Chelsea Old Town Hall, London; G Live in Guildford and other new venues for 2013. Complimentary tickets via website.
Antiques for Everyone. The NEC BIRMINGHAM www.antiquesforeveryone.co.uk
Complimentary invitations and free entry tickets sent when available to registered club members only.
Many Crown Devon collectors also have an interest in Carlton Ware as many pieces are similar in design and colouring to Crown Devon. Take a look at the Carlton Ware World site on www.carltonwareworld.com
The Collectors Club of Great Britain. The Fieldings Crown Devon Collectors Club is listed here. www.collectors-club-of-great-britain.co.uk
DEALERS. Dealers in Crown Devon who would like their details listed here are invited to contact the Club.
Perfect Pieces operate a British antique pottery and ceramics web site including information on Pottery marks and the history of many potteries. They are specialists in British pottery from the 20thC including Troika, PenDelphin, Poole as well as Crown Devon and offer an on-line Pottery marks guide. Visit Perfect Pieces at www.perfectpieces.co.uk.
RESTORERS. Restorers of Crown Devon who would like their details listed here are invited to contact the Club.
Many of the following restorers have been recommended by club members who have used their services. However, using these is at you own risk and the club cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage howsoever caused.
Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire: Alan Brown. Tel: 07964 177281. Email: Alanbrown1967@hotmail.com
Fiona Perthen can supply replacement rubber seals for Crown Devon Storage Jars for tea, coffee, sugar etc. She deals on eBay under the user ID of "prom22" and can be contacted by emailing perthen@freenetname.co.uk.